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September Tree of the Month: Cedro Espino

The cedro espino is a tall, straight-growing tree with a modest buttress, often easy to identify because of the sharp spines commonly found covering its bark. The tree is widely recognized for its multitude of potential uses and its adaptation to different types of soil. It forms part of the Malvaceae family which also includes the Bongo (Ceiba pentandra) and the Baobab (Adansonia sp.), a tree of great cultural significance in Africa. In optimal conditions, the cedro espino can grow quickly, adding as much as 3 cm of trunk diameter per year. The tree produces an excellent and durable wood, ideal for use in window frames and doors and in other locations where sunlight might damage or warp a less stable wood. [caption id="attachment_12042" align="alignnone" width="620"]

Cedro espino is a species commonly used in reforestation projects, and it is also highly prized as a commercial timber. The cedro espino is also capable of asexual regeneration via vegetative sprouting, which makes it an ideal tree for use in live fences.

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The leaves of the cedro espino are alternate and palmately compound, with five or seven serrated leaflets. As it is a deciduous tree, it loses its leaves completely during the dry season (January-April), when large white flowers are produced.

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