Donar a Pro Eco Azuero
Tus donaciones nos ayudan a trabajar con las comunidades de Azuero para reforestar el vulnerable ecosistema del bosque seco tropical. Nuestra visión es la de una penÃnsula de Azuero renovada, con un bosque seco protegido, apoyada por una población amorosa. Sus donaciones marcan una gran diferencia para lograr nuestros objetivos.

Preguntas frecuentes
WHAT WILL MY DONATIONS BE USED FOR? Our vision is a renovated Azuero peninsula, with a protected dry forest, supported by a loving population. This vision, creating a model that others can follow, will take some time and money. Donations make a big difference in the degree of effectiveness and speed with which we can achieve our goals. Donations are used in our different programs, reforestation, environmental education, and research.
IS MY DONATION TAX DEDUCTIBLE? Yes, the Pro Eco Azuero Foundation has Panamanian legal identity, with R.U.C. 25036801-3-2018 D.V. 88. (Resolution No. 201-4940, September 2, 2019).
WHAT IS A TROPICAL DRY FOREST? Tropical dry forests are forests that grow in areas that do not receive rain for many months of the year.
WHY DID WE CHOOSE THE SPIDER MONKEY? Azuero’s Spider Monkey, Ateles geoffroyi azuerensis, is our indicator subspecies and symbol that guides us because it is a vital species of the Azuero dry forest ecosystem, but at the same time, it is a critically endangered species. Just like the Spider Monkey needs the dry forest of Azuero, the forest needs the Spider Monkey since they function as one of the most effective seed dispersers. The few remaining on the planet live only on the Azuero Peninsula. They are victims of rapid disappearance of habitat and are often hunted for trade. They are particularly intelligent and cute, but also dangerous, which may be a reason why they have been able to survive so long. However, habitat loss and genetic diversity may be more than they can handle. We are working to stop the capture and killing of the Spider Monkey and the rest of the monkeys, and to provide them with enough habitat to assure their future.
WHICH COMMUNITIES DO YOU WORK WITH? We work with communities across the Azuero Peninsula such as PedasÃ, Bajo Corral, Paritilla, Vallerriquito, La Miel, Nuario, Colán, Bayano, Los Asientos, Oria Arriba, Las Tablas, Las Minas, TonosÃ,, among others.
HOW CAN I VOLUNTEER? It is very easy to volunteer with the Pro Eco Azuero Foundation! You can write to us at info@proecoazuero.org and get involved in our reforestation and environmental education initiatives.